Pain Relief Treatments

Various treatment forms can help to relieve and manage persisting pain. While occasionally one single method may be sufficient for a while, in most cases parallel or serial combinations of treatments are needed to make a longer lasting difference (see Medicines)

Treatment options for relieving pain are
  • Pain medicines.
  • Physical treatments, for example Physiotherapy, Massage, Chiropractor or Osteopath
  • Psychotherapy, such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) or - Analytical Therapy (CAT)
  • Neurostimulation methods (TENS, TSE, PENS or SCS)
  • Acupuncture
  • Injection treatments, such as nerve blocks, joint injections, muscular injections, RF ablations
  • Surgical procedures such as joint replacements, spinal surgery etc

Treatment plan

An example of a comprehensive treatment plan: reducing pain via combination pain killers and/or injections. This can improve interrupted sleep give you a sense of having something to control pain. As a result you would be able to proceed to physiotherapy (or do your own exercises more effectively), restoring mobility and other body functions and allow a return a more happy social life.

Anxiety, sadness, anger, frustration and worries can contribute to long-term pain and disability. Sometimes, individually tailored education, explanation, reassurance helps to overcome these problems: understanding your diagnosis and body functions, what you can do to help a gradual recovery and how to better deal with emotional stress and tension. If these emotional changes have become entrenched, the additional help of a Clinical Psychologist should be considered.